It's begining to look a lot like Christmas at the Foresee house!! I have been trying to get our home ready for the holidays! I am so close to being done! This is our front door, I was so excited about the two trees that I purchased for each side of the front door, I just knew they would make the entrance beautiful. Well, I plugged those babies in and the top half of the tree on the left side will not light up! I was out there shaking the top, hoping that it was a short, but no. Now, my neighbors will think I am a crazy lady, sure I looked silly! Ignore the cords at the bottom, this is definately a hazardous entry, I will complete it with the garland around the door frame and hide the cords in that tomorrow, hopefully it will be a little bit warmer!
This is the book shelf, it looked so naked, so I topped it with some garland! Then, I thought that the hutch needed a little something something! I know, this is a lot of Christmas! It is my favorite!
Well, now you can see how I have been spending the past few weeks. I have just got to get my house ready for the big PEO meeting on this Wednesday! Hope all of the ladies love it!
OH your decorations are SO great!!!! I love all of your trees! I have a gold tree too!!! I love to decorate for Christmas but this year I just did one little tree because I'm too big to do much and I don't want to have to be taking it all down right before I deliver. ha!
Your house is beautiful!!!!!
Thanks for the compliment! I went to and uploaded my background. I read that you buy baby clothes for WM - I used to do design for the George brand!
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