Thursday, January 3, 2013

Our House....

is a very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
Cause of you
And our la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.....
Obviously, Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young were not singing about "our house"! Ha!
I thought it would be so much fun to build a gingerbread house with the kids and Katie Grace.  Let's just say that building a house made-a bread, icing, and candy bits is no easy job.  Kuddos to the real gingey bread home builders out there.
Don't worry, next year, our house will be super awesome!
Until then, feast your eyes upon HomeBuilders2012.
We came, we built, we ate alot of candy and icing.
Katie was the builder, the littles were her helpers (candy eaters and icing lickers)
 I love that Katie is taking the time to tell them that these are walls for the house.  All the babies are probably thinking is.... "when will Aunt Kitty give me a bite of that big ole cookie??"
I want that!

Katie... tasting the icing, making sure it is safe for the children to eat.
 Now, Sophia's turn to taste.
 The kids are dipping their fingers in the icing just as quick as Katie can get it out of the tube.  Well, no wonder the house would fall apart, not much to keep it together!
Still eating... Katie is now thinking that her hopes of entering this edible creation into any contest is done!

Seriously guys, stop eating it!
This made them sad.
 This is when they went for all of the candy decorations.
This is our gingerbread home.
I put tiny blue eyes on the gingerbread boy and they slid down and looked like bubbies.  It was a mess!

Good thing I got the previous 2 pictures, because at the 3rd click of the camera all things fell apart!
Whomp whomp
So sad:(
Next year will be better!

1 comment:

Angie said...

The blue bubbies onthe ginger boy cracked me up! M was dying to do a gingerbread house this year and I kept forgetting to buy the kit. In the end we downloaded a ginger house app on the ipad and never spoke of it again. I think you and your sis get major points just for the attempt!