Sunday, January 3, 2016

2015 is in the books...

The new year has started, only 1 more day until our Christmas break is over, and it is late Saturday night and I am up blogging.  This is so one of my happy spots... all is quiet (except for the man friend snoring and the background music of the Farmers Only Dot Com commercial).  The day has been so good.  It was a cold one today, but we ventured out to a local playground anyways! After that we went to have lunch with some of the fam, watched our Razorbacks play and WIN in the Liberty Bowl, and even went ice skating.  Now that I list all of that, it seems like an awful lot of things that we did and I am beginning to think, "why am I still awake"?!  Ha!

Anyways, y'all know I love to blog about all of the good, the great, and the not so great, and this would be one of those things .  This morning, after I woke up, I started to think about the month of January, day 2 of the new year, and how this year is just going to be so BIG for us, I can just feel it.  That is when it hit me... it is January, and that my due date for baby number 3 is quickly approaching.  I must admit, I have been really doing well the past bit, not sad, but good.  My anger in my heart has softened and my sadness has really gone.  I have finally found a peace, and have focused on ALL of the good I have in my life.  So, it was a bit strange to wake up and think about little number 3.  To think that if things had turned out differently our little one might have been here.  Yes, our due date was not until January 28th (which was funny, since that was the same due date for Brayden, and he came a month early, just as his sister did)!  I just know that baby 3 would not have come any differently than his/ her brother and sister.  I told Aron about my thoughts this morning, how if things would have worked out differently, that right now I would have been chasing my two with my third in my arms.  He could not believe that time has just gone by so quickly, and just smiled.

I just had a light bulb moment typing all of this... my third little has been with me this whole time (not in my arms) but in my heart

2015 was so very good to my family.  We had many happy moments, celebrated birthdays, Sophia graduating pre-school and starting kindergarten, Brayden playing baseball, the kids joining gymnastics, camping trips, time with family, happy holidays, choir performances at church, announcement of baby number three, Brayden was a "pil-drum"... so many wonderful memories were had.

We are a lucky bunch.  We have our health, a home, a job, and each other, and I  foresee BIG things for our 2016.

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