Monday, September 15, 2014

The Great Outdoors....

A few weekends, we took a little bit of a vacation.  We loaded up the car, the truck, and then the camper (we obvi don't pack light), and headed out to the great outdoors.
This is not really our car.... we do not have a van (so jealous), look at how much it could carry!!  Aron, if you are reading this, look at how much more stuff we could take camping!!  Think about it.

Can I just go ahead and say that in my 30 plus years, I have only one time ever said.... let's go camping (and that was my birthday, and I was 20 (maybe) and we ended up getting to the campground too late, could not put up a tent (in the dark), and ended up "camping" in the car.  The company was fantastic, but the scenery was no bueno (that is Spanish for "no good").  Camping, it is just not me.  I do not like to be hot and sweaty (yuck), I am not a fan of bugs (super yuck)... or dirt (grode).... or animals (eek)...., I like my bed (love), I have a fear of using the bathroom at any place that is not my home (is anyone else like this)?, and honestly, I love to take showers (being clean is my thing, ya know what I mean?).  I'd take 4 showers a day if I had the time (no joke), and knew for sure that no one would leave a comment saying how crazy that was.

It is kind of funny, that I met and fell for this boy (by boy, I mean my Aron).  He was very outdoorsy (liked to fish, camp, wear t-shirts with the sleeves cut off (I had to put a stop to that), and a hunter.  Hello, not one of those things fell into a category of anything that I was really into, but Aron was, so I totally acted like all of those things were my thing.  Yes, I understand that is a lie, and you should never start a relationship based on a lie, but I did.  I liked him so much, and I seriously gave all of that outdoor stuff a try.  I camped, I got in a canoe (a few times) but it just did not work out.  Over the past few months, I just really started thinking about fun family things that we could do together, and what were some things that my husband liked doing.... and being outside is a big thing.  So, the day I called Aron and said, "let's go camping", it was almost like telling him we won the lottery!  Who knew, I only had to say those three little words!

Over the past few months we have tent camped (an 8 person tent + 2 littles + 2 queen size blowup mattresses = fun, but not super fun).  I did not sleep our camping weekend when we were in the tent.  I just laid there all night thinking that some crazy murderer, or bear, or pack of raccoons was going to try to get into our 8 person tent and scrape our faces off (or take my packages of peanut butter crackers).
FYI, there was a pack of raccoons... I heard them one evening, tried to wake up my knight in snoring armor to go and check it out (his words... "leave me alone, I'm sleeping").  I leaned up (ever so slowly and peaked through our tent window (which was wide open for any lurker to just come right up on us and take a peak) and there they were... sitting there looking at me....
Please note, this is not the real group of rascally raccoons, it is just a look alike group I found on the internets!

they could obvi smell fear (they knew I was no threat).
This is the face that the leader raccoon made at me when I slowly sat up to check out all of the commotion.  Once again, I am only using this image I found off the internets for effect, but please note, this is very close to what the raccoon looked like (this must be his brother... or uncle... or cousin).

Looking back it was a lot of fun.  The kids loved it, I loved that they loved it, and Aron, well he was very happy.

We love to get out and camp with our family too.  One weekend the SIL and kids, and brothers and Nicole came for a visit!

After the whole tent camp, I began to ponder more on the whole glamping thing.  We have friends who have campers, so hello...... a bed, a shower, a kitchen, a tv.... (not really sounding like getting in touch with nature, but believe me when I say, all of those things are so very nice to have when you are spending summer days in nature.  So, we went out and got a camper.  This would be an investment and a way for us to get out and do stuff (as a family)!  I am so glad we did, because we have had some wonderful weekend vacays.

It has been such a fun summer!  Now, it is time for fall camping to begin!!

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