Friday, November 26, 2010
So Very Thankful!
I wanted to give all of you an update on my precious PapPaw. His doctor has said that he is showing signs of improvement. His heart rate and blood pressure are stable and his kidneys are starting to work (get some of this fluid off of him). This is such a blessing. He had a cat scan yesterday, and we are waiting to hear the results. It could possibly show if Bug suffered from a stroke, we are waiting on this report. After talking to Momma and Daddy (they drove home yesterday afternoon, and arrived safely last night), they have both said that the majority of the time they spent with him he was resting (kind of in a dream state). Momma said that he would wake up and say that he was at home. She said, "daddy, what home are you at?" He replied, "on 9th street" (this is a home he and my MamMaw lived in in Louisiana). He said, "I was talking to Millie (my MamMaw). We were at home." So sweet. I know that he must miss her terribly. Then he would wake up and tell my Momma to go and get the car, lets go look for a house. Other times, he was not quite sure who he was talking to, it would take him a minute or so to figure it out. I hope to get some more information soon. I will definitely let all of you know. Please know, that I do appreciate all of the prayers for my guy. His body may be getting older and closer to "that time", but my heart is not ready for "that time" yet. It would be broken. I am sure that you all understand that.
So, after all of that, I just wanted to say how thankful I am this Thanksgiving, this season, this year, today, yesterday, everyday. The Lord has blessed me everyday.
I have Jesus in my heart. This is an ongoing relationship that I work on each day. Having a stronger love for Him, striving to live in the faith more and more everyday, and to be a BIGGER christian. I do hope that others feel His spirit in me, because I sure do. I want to share of all of the wonderful things that he does for me on a daily basis! God is SO GOOD!
I have an amazing husband. Aron is the best man that has ever come into my life. I waited so long for him. I honestly thought that I had been forgotten. Dating so many Mr. WRONGS, and never believing that MR. Aron Foresee was out there (FOR ME). I am so fortunate that he loves me! The happy me, sad me, pregnant me, sick me, crazy me, all of me. I am so thankful to have married such a wonderful man.
I am blessed with a sweet Sophia. She makes me the happiest I have ever felt. She is so special, and I am so thankful that God would bless us with her. Then to have her sweet brother Brayden coming in just a few weeks! I am so thankful.
I have an amazing family. A father and mother who are wonderful role models in all that they do. Great brothers and a sweet sister! Then, there are the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, my SIL, my BIL, my nieces and nephews.
After all of that, I have the best friends. Ones that forgive me for not calling them over the past weeks or visiting for the past months. They are caring and loving friends, and will be there for me whenever I need them
I am thankful to have a wonderful church to attend.
I am thankful to be able to stay at home with my baby/ soon to be babies. I cherish this time, because I know one day they may not want to hang out with me so much.
I am thankful to have clothes on my back (they are tight right now), a home to live in, right now all of our bills are paid, food in my belly, my health and the health of others in my life.
I am thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful.
I hope that you have much in your life to be thankful for. I hope that you all have a happy day. Those of you who got out today for this "black Friday", I hope that you all survived! Have a great weekend! O-yeah! Cheer for the Razorbacks tomorrow as we play LSU! Woo Pigs!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Please Pray

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Something Old into Something New!
Glad that it turned out and the family will have a nice wreath to go over their fireplace!!
Hope you are having a great week, can ya believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner?? What are your plans for next week? Do you just stuff yourself silly? Are you the cook for your family, if so do you have a good/ amazing recipe for pumpkin pie? I have been asked to make one, and I have no idea where to start or what is good- I am open for suggestions!!! HELP!!
I am off to bed, yes it is 7:30, but Lovey girl and I are fighting some major sinusitis/ bronchitis issues. We are total snot factories and full of flem (was that too much information)? It is so not attractive, I am so glad that Aron loves the happy me, the healthy me, and the me that has decided to forgo make-up and hairstyling the past few days! If I have grossed yal out, so sorry it was not my intention!
Love yal!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Some things old.... and a few questions??

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Decorating for the holidays.....
Here is a gorgeous wreath. Traditional red, golds, and greens!
This one may actually end up on our Foresee front door! Red, white, silver, with touches of green! Gotta love the candy look!
Bonus: It lights up!!
Here is a custom wreath in golds, purples, and greens.
It is a little LSU meets Mardi Gras (but so much fun)!
Feel free to place an order, just send an email to
I would love to hear from ya!
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
This Chick is 15 Months!
So Sophia, take that plug out of your mouth and tell me a little about yourself these days....
The clothes I wear are 18M some 24M and I can wear a size 4/5 shoe. I just got a new pair of shoes and I think that I could just sleep in them (cowgirl boots)! Thanks Honey for keeping her clothed in the cutest outfits and shoes!
I am a sweet girl. I like to look at books (having you read to me is my favorite). I love Eric Carle books, the Little People books with flaps, and anything with an animal in it! I am really entertained when you play music in the house, I really like to shake it!
I love to open up drawers and take everything out of them (sometimes I just like to sit in them too!) I really like to open up the doors and shut them. I get a BIG laugh out of opening the toilet and putting things in there (like my hand)! This makes my mother almost vom!!
I am still working on building a relationship with my dog Chip, but he is still not a fan of me. I chase him all of the time with toys and spoons, but he does not think that this is fun! He only loves me when I am eating!
In the past few days I have really been working on eating with a fork and spoon! This makes mommy very proud. She cheers each time I stab something and stick it in my mouth! I am eating anything my momma cooks, but L-O-V-E me some vienna sausages! I like juice and water, I gag at the thought of milk in my cups. In fact, I will go and hide the cup.
I go to sleep around 9 something and wake up anytime in between 6-730, before the time change I was resting until 8 something, but I feel I need to be up earlier with my parents! Naps....hum, well sometimes I take a power nap (20 minutes) and sometimes I sleep for 2 hours (like a box of chocolates, ya never know what you are gonna get)!I have taken up a new skill. I sometimes like to color, but sometimes I like to try to eat them. My mommy is letting my play with construction paper and we sometimes will have a project.
I like to help with the laundry. My mom puts stuff in the dryer and I take it out. Same with the dishes, I take the silver wear out and try to get those last few licks off a spoon or fork!
My favorite time of the day is when my mommy sings songs. My favs are I'm a Little Teapot (I am doing the little dance that goes with it), Jesus Loves Me, Open the Windows (momma made this up, it makes me laugh), Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake.
My other favorite part of the day is when I see my daddy. I hear the garage door go up and I will leave momma in a heartbeat. I will stand at the door and say dada, until he walks in. When he sees me he picks me up every time! I think I make him happy! (seriously to see your husband with your child, doesn't it make you fall in love with him all over again?)
I have a few words that I say! momma, dada, pup-pup (dog), drink, tiger, deer, ball, bath, moo, cat, Ohhh WOW!, wave hi, say hi and bye-bye
I love to spend time with my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
I like to go to church on Tuesday mornings and play with my friends.
Did I mention, I love bath time! (I am so my mothers child)
I like to brush my own teeth, if my mother helps I will bite on the brush and laugh!
So, for 15 months, I got a lot going on.
Sophia, we love you so much. You are the most precious little girl and we could not be more proud to be your parents. Each day you make us smile.
We love yal!
Aron and Caryn
Monday, November 8, 2010
29 Weeks
I do not know what is going on with my bug like eyeballs. Sorry about the photo, maybe next week will be a little bit better!!
And a photo for the family!
So thankful for her.
Love yal!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy Halloween
She had no idea what was going on!
The bumblebee and its bee keeper!
Granddaddy, Honey, and lil bee
Can you feel the love in this photo? I have never seen Aron so proud and in love.
Annalee (niece) and Katie Grace (lil sis)
Lil Bee, Aron, and Aunt LeAnne
Uncle Richard and his favorite trick or treater!!
Nicole (dresses as a Greek goddess), Bee, the keeper, and Uncle Jason
What a night, and we even scored some candy! (like Aron and I need that)
Happy Halloween!
Love yal,
The Foresee Family
Monday, November 1, 2010
Nu-Nu-Nu-Nu-Nu-Nu, Ya Say It's Yo Birthday!!
Yes, all my mama wanted to do for her birthday was stay in and play the 24 edition of the game Clue.
Here is the birthday girl reading the instructions. (we should all be paying attention)
Nicole figuring out how to cheat this game! (jk)
We had such a fun time celebrating this wonderful day. I am so happy that I have a wonderful mother, who is also my very best friend. She is smart, funny, loving, kind, and I want to be just like her one day! Mama, thank you so much for being you!
Love yal!!