Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The New Year is a Coming!!!
I have been thinking over the past few days of my resolution(s). I am so not very good at following this year, but that is one of the resolutions...
1. Follow through with the New Years Resolution LIST
2. I am trying to break out of my comfort zone, we have been talking about this in church lately.
This year, I am going to focus on my walk with the Lord and my openness about this relationship that I have. I feel that this is something that has really been tugging at my heart. I wish that I could just approach others and carry on a conversation about my love for the Lord. My friends at church just make it seem so easy, and I get so nervous. Do you have this fear?
3. Now that I have taken on this new job, SAHM, I need to start getting out of the house more. I need to become more involved in like a mommy group, book club, something to get me out of the house. I am beginning to think that the only places Sophia will ever know is our bedroom, the bathtub, the living room, Honey and Granddaddy's, and Auntie LeAnne and Uncle Ryan's house. I used to be so social, loved going to work (or like to go and see my friends at work, sang in the choir at church, went to PEO every month, helped with Children's Choir at the church, would lunch with girl friends, Bible study, ect..) Maybe I am just in a rut. The other day, my mother came over and I was going to go and meet a friend for lunch (I was wearing black work out pants (as if I work out, and they were maternity), a purple v-neck shirt, and white tennis shoes. It was horrendous, and my mother grinned and said I could not go looking that pretty. DID I MENTION, I HAD SPIT UP DOWN MY BACK!! I knew that I smelled something, just could not find it! HAHA So, I would like to become part of a outreach program for friends!! Call me!!
4. Weight Loss- I think that I always say that, but I just hate to sweat. I am thinking about that WII Fit Program. Any thoughts on that? I think if I quit eating chocolate and drinking sweet tea I might lose about 5 lbs, but I would also die!!
5. Work on the finances!! At my church they are offering a class, Financial Peace! I am so excited and I am going to sign Aron and I up. We are now a single income family, since Aron and I have decided I stay at home with Sophia. We really need to learn how to manage our money better...any tips? I know that some of you are SAHM, what does your family do to make ends meet- did yal win the lottery or something?? Do you work from home?
6. I always need to work on bettering my relationships (with my husband, parents, siblings, friends). This one should totally be above the work out one.
7. I really want to focus more on my writing. Aron and I always talk about when we win the lottery or when I write a book that will be on the Best Seller List, what will we do? He would retire and we would focus on our family and travel. What would you do if you made it big? Do you have a big dream that you want to focus on this year??
I am sure that I have other things that I want to work on this year. Yal must think that I am a mess with all of these things that I want to do. So, what are your resolutions? You have a few days left!!
Love ya!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sophia's First Christmas
The next night, Christmas eve, Aron was on call, and we did not see him at all that day. He helped us pack up the car and we went to stay at Momma and Daddy's house (since the big snow storm/ blizzard was coming). It looked like we were staying for two weeks! That evening we went to the Christmas eve service at our church. Then on our way home it had begun to sleet. Such a mess, and my poor Aron was out in it! We got home, had dinner, and watched It is a Wonderful Life, such a great movie (had never seen it). Around 10 p.m. we all went to bed so Santa Claus could come to town!
I think we know who the good girl is!! She got so many fun things (lots of them have flashing lights and lots of singing!!) Daddy and Momma made a huge breakfast: breakfast steaks, ambrosia, cheese grits, eggs, fly off the plate pancakes, and bacon! Yum! We were all so tired after that. Then we just spent the rest of the morning playing games and preparing for the opening of gifts. Aron finally got to the house around 2, he was so sleepy!
Honey and Sophia playing with her new doll.Granddaddy, Sophia, and Aunt Kitty Kat.
Uncle Jason and Sophia.
Sophia and Uncle Richard
All in all, the Christmas time extravaganza was wonderful.
O yes, the small fire. Well, FYI, if you get the plastic baby food cartons always make sure that you tear all of the foil covering off (this will start a fire!!) The baby food will be charred and a brown spot will be left in remembrance, in the microwave! Thanks Gerber!!
Hope yours was special,
Merry Christmas from the Foresee's!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Scrub a dub dub- who peed in the tub???
My sweet baby girl is soon to be six months old. We are learning so many new things each day.
1. She is not a fan of green foods. (I can have three foods on a plate: carrots, peaches, peas, I scoop up the peas place them in her mouth and immediate gag reflex.
2. She loves play time.
3. Sophia is a fan of books. She likes to look at them, touch them, and lick the covers.
4. She enjoys the taste of root beer (thank you to her sweet granddaddy)!
5. Our lovey likes to be held very close to our chest. It is so precious, and I cherish this time with her everyday.
6. Her face lights up a room when Aron comes home from work.
7. Sophia loves her bath time.
Now that Sophia has gained a few pounds and some inches, I have decided that the yellow duck bath tub is to be retired. It is now a toy for our dog Chip (the duck is his nemesis)! Each morning we get into our Whirlpool tub, this is easier for me since I have some back issues. She likes to kick, splash, and blow the bubbles off of her hands. This time is fun for her, and very stressful for me. It is so amazing, once a baby gets a little soapy they become incredibly slippery!! Anyways, the bath time schedule: I get her all washed off, I pull out the drain plug, I stand up to dry off, then pick her up, and there she goes.....yes, my sweet baby, precious wonderful girl, the child that I gave birth to, pees all over me and herself. This is so yuck to me and so terribly funny to her! I run the water again and we get another bath. So, to all of the mommas out there, any tips on bath time? Should I just be doing this in the sink? I really thought that I was killing two birds with one stone. Help!!
Bath Time Blues in Bentonville
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!!

Love to you all,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Party for 18??
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sophia's Room!!
This is her princess bed! Momma and I went to Hobby Lobby (love that place) and found some hot pink tulle. Momma sewed (by hand) the fringe on the sides and the bottom, it turned out so wonderfully. I painted some fun bugs on the wall!
We have spent many a sleepless nights rocking Sophia in her rocker. The Winnie the Pooh picture was stitched by my momma for me when I was born. The pillow in the chair was given to me by my friend Regan. She made it, the girl is so creative. In the last picture, you cannot see them very well, but my little sister painted a snail family along the baseboard, too cute.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Date Night!!!

Just kidding guys, that is my sweet husband Aron! He is the head of the Foresee house! I work as the senior director over household affairs, Sophia and the dog report to me. I could not be happier!!
I hope that all of you have a great evening!
Love yal, Caryn
Friday, October 9, 2009

This photo is not from today (we do not dress up like this for Friday lunches!!) Erin (left), me in the middle, and Brooke (right)
I decided that I would cook for them today, so I tried out a new recipe today, chicken taco soup. It was so yummy and the recipe is super easy!
I just could not do a post today without a picture of Sophia!! She is still so small, I feel like her clothes sometimes are just swallowing her!
Have a happy Friday!
Love yal, Caryn
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It is a slow Thursday!

I am so in love with this precious girl.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Where does all of the time go???
That is right! She is here!! we welcomed Sophia Elise Foresee into the world August 2, at 6:20 p.m.. She weighed 6 lbs and 7 oz, 19 3/4 in long. Let me tell ya, labor is some rough stuff, but we could not be happier! She is the best thing that has ever happened to Aron and I.
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27
We just stopped nursing this week (past Tuesday, she just was not having it any longer!) Makes me so sad! She enjoys a bath (this is totally my child, because I could just live in a bathtub)! This is a photo of her Honey giving her a bath!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dream a Little Dream

Friday, May 15, 2009
13 Weeks and Counting!!
Notice the belly!! It is so fun to watch her kick and move, it almost looks like she is trying to break out of her little home! It has entertained Aron and I for hours!!
I do have a question, over the past few days I have noticed some pressure, I almost feel as if the baby may fall out, is this normal, did you feel this way? I have been referencing many of my books, and of course, nothing is listed. What do you think, what are some crazy things that you experienced during your pregnancy that no one told you about?? Give up the goods ladies!
Have a great evening!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Random Information for my Blogging Buds!
1. I am married to my best friend ever, Aron Foresee. The funny thing is when we were in jr high I wrote in my diary that I loved him forever. ( I know in jr high, you loved a new boy everyday, but whatever I wrote it and I knew then he was the one for me)! I never spoke to him in jr high or high school, so needless to say we never had some wonderful exciting romance, but I went to a friends house in 2005 and he was there, I instantly knew he was the man I was going to marry. It was like an 80s movie, where everything stops and the song from 16 Candles, True by Spandeau Ballet plays. It is so funny how things worked out.
2. I have the most wonderful parents and I talk to them everyday! For some reason, if I do not talk to them the day is not a good.
3. I am one of 4 children. I am the oldest 29 (will so be 30 in July!!), Jason is 28 (one of my very best friends), Richard is 27 (one of my very best friends), and the baby Katie Grace, she is 11!! Yes, there is a wide range in ages!!!
4. Aron and I have a son, a West Highland Terrier, Chip. I gave him to Aron as a wedding gift, the morning before we got married. I bought him in front of the Rogers Barnes and Noble Bookstore, I am such an impulse buy person, all I needed was magazines for the honeymoon!! I put him in a box and Aron came to my parents to open his gift, he was so confused when he opened it, he looked in the box and said,"wow, it is a dog." I think he was hoping for towels or something. Chip is very protective of me, and growls at Aron. He says that he has rabies, whatever. I need to stop treating him like a human, poor dog is going to be so confused when his new brother or sister is brought home from the hospital.
5. Aron and I are going to have a baby in August. We tried for almost 2 years to get pregnant, and the Lord blessed us with this special gift. We cannot wait to be parents!
6. I love to watch the television! My favorites are reality t.v.: The City, The Hills, The Real Housewives (of anywhere), Project Runway, John and Kate Plus 8, The Duggers show, Dancing with the Stars, there are so many more, I am easily sucked in. I am probably the only person in the world that still watches old episodes of 90210, I am not ashamed. I love Dylan, Kelly, Donna, David, Steve, Brandon..... I am also a huge fan of Lost!
7. I like to organize things: bills, closets, cabinets, I just love my label maker!!
8. I enjoy to paint and draw. I am so pumped to work on the babies room!! So many ideas!
9. I love to work in my flower beds and the yard, I am all about getting my hands dirty!
10. I would love to be a writer, it is something that I have toyed with for years. Who knows, maybe one day you will read something by me!!
11. I went to college and graduated from the University of Arkansas. Before deciding to major in History (such a geek), I had 5 previous majors: business (this is usually where most people begin), interior design, law, architecture, education. I was very busy and learned so much in college, my parents were so ready for me to get out, I was on the 5 year plan!
12. My parents bought me my dream car the year that I graduated from high school, a 1997 red Acura Integra. I love that car, loved it so much that I drove it for 11 years! I was so attached! Now some boy drives it around town and has posted stickers all over it, that car was an antique, now it is a bill board on wheels! Geez, no respect!
13. I love to write letters and send cards, there is nothing nicer than checking your mailbox and just getting a happy note that is not a bill!!
14. I really enjoy sweat pants and knit dresses! I love to be able to breathe in my clothes!
15. I am not sure why this is, but I love to be clean. I love soaps, shampoos, gels, scrubs, bubble baths, and must bathe and wash my hair everyday. If I am sick I will shower more than 2 or 3 times a day. I also love swimming, maybe I was a fish in a previous life??
16. It is hard for me to go throught the WM checkout line and not pick up the latest Star Magazine! Yes, it is my addiction, have you seen the wonderful crossword, cryptograms, and suduko puzzles in back! I love to complete puzzles. It is the first thing I search for in magazines and when I fine a newspaper at work or at my parents (I rip those out and take them home to complete!!)
17. I often have bad dreams about snakes! What does that even mean, it totally freaks me out. I think that I am permanantly scared from the snake incidents that have happened in my life . A 6ft black snake slithered down our dog run on the side of the house and then it went into a hole in the retaining wall. So scared I called my brothers to come and get it! Richard came over, I told him it was in the hole and we could drown it out with the water hose, and that is what we did, put the hose in the hole and turned it on and out creeps the snake! By that time, Aron had gotten home and threw a hoe at it (kind of like a track and field throw) thought he killed it! Why did he not throw it over the fence, I dont know! It stayed there all night pinned in the yard! I went out in the a.m. to dispose of the snake and he was so mad, so I called my other brother and mother to take care of business. Family is so good. That was not the only snake I have had a run in with at our house! There have been 6 others (including one that slithered right inbetween my legs as I sat on our patio swing! I am so Indiana Jones, I hate snakes!!
18. Sonic Commercials make my husband laugh histerically, but get on my nerves so bad! In fact there are so many commercials that get on my nerves and make me completely uncomfortable! If I am with my husband, brothers, or dad, if I see one about any women products or male enhancement things I turn red! Then there is a commercial that I have seen a few times, and it is a banana singing the word nannerpuss (what is that?) I hate it!!
19. Seems odd, but Aron and I each week have spagetti for dinner. Everytime he makes it he says, "honey, I think this is the best spagetti I have ever made!"
20. I like to cook/ try new recipes! It is not always good, but my heart is always in it.
21. I have the most wonderful friends a girl could ever ask for.
22. My family is the most precious thing to me!
23. I love making up songs, and singing them to Aron and the dog! This baby is in so much trouble!!
24. One of my favorite foods is Fly Off the Plate Waffles (thank you Aunt Cathy)!
25. I love my sweet Jesus, and am so thankful for all that he has done for me.
So, do I have anything in common with you? Surely someone out there watches old episodes of 90210!
Do 25 random things about yourself, it was kind of hard to come up with 25!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Hello Friends, I am Back!!
Everyone knows that we are finally pregnant, and we just could not be happier about the news. We will go to the doctor on the 27th of this month for our first check up and will get to hear the heart beat!! I am at 10 weeks and 4 days. The baby is the size of a plum!!The next photo will be in black, I am not so sure that hot pink sweaters are so slimming. Aron even said when he took the picture he could not even see the bump (this is so why I love that man)! As some of you may know, I have been suffering from morning sickness (I have it all day and all night)! If anyone has any ideas on how to make it go away, I am so open to suggestions. On January 3rd, it was so bad that Aron had to take me to the emergency room. Do not scroll down further for photos, because there are none! That was such a rough day. Momma and Daddy came to sit with us in the ER, they watched football while I slept. I only had to stay for the day, got to go home that evening. I have been put on Zofran and Phinnergin (this sedates me, so farewell morning sickness, but then I have to go to work, so farewell Phinnergin!!!) It had just been a few days with no food and no liquids, so I was very dehydrated. I have been feeling better, and have even had a few meals since then. Everyone is saying after the first trimester the morning sickness will go away, so bring on week 14!!! Just keep us in your thoughts. Aron has really been my rock for the past few weeks, he has really stepped it up. Always making sure the bathrooms are clean (since I am always in the toliet, he just thinks it is best for them to smell like cleaning products), will get me wet wash cloths, hold my hair back, rub my back while I am sick, picking me up off the floor, putting me in the bed, even doing the grocery shopping, and he will still tell me that I am pretty. He will even sit on the couch and mute basketball and football (except for Arkansas games) and listen to me read out of the What to Expect When You are Expecting Book. He is so amazing and I am so glad that God has brought him into my life. He is such a wonderful husband.
On January 6th, we lost my sweet MamMaw to pancreatic cancer. Can you believe that she survived for 29 months with this horrible disease. She is so strong, and we will all miss her. She was a Christian, a wife, a sister, a mother, a spectacular grandmother, and a great grandmother, a friend, a listener and a big talker, so funny, just loved by all. I am a better person because of her.Aron celebrated his 29th birthday on the 12th! He is so ancient!! We had a nice romantic dinner at Coltons! Needless to say, I got sick and we had to leave, but it was still so romantic.
I have two friends that this past week had babies! Please keep them all in your prayers. Jenna had a little boy, Brayden and he was taken to the Children's Hospital in Little Rock. On Friday a friend Kelly had a little girl (okay 9 pounds 12 oz) Harper and she had to be taken to Tulsa. I know that God is so good and that he is with them. Just pray that all will be okay and they will all return soon. I met these girls through church and blogging, we all had similar issues on fertility and have now all been blessed with these precious gifts.
Today, the 18th, is my Daddy's birthday!