In my current position, as the Director of Household Affairs at la casa de Foresee, I spend my mornings, days, and evenings going 90 to nothing! My many job duties include cooker, house keeper, nose wiper, teacher, head crafter, project extraordinaire, outfit picker outter, grocery shopper, dog feeder, medicine giver.... you catch my drift! Those of you who are currently serving in this position at your homes know that there is little time to yourself (not even time to go to the bathroom)! There are many evenings where the kids are asleep, Aron and I have talked for at least 20 minutes and he has fallen asleep on the couch (due to our terribly stimulating conversations), and I am curled up in my o-so comfy chair with a book! Ahh! A few minutes of reading... just heaven! I love a good book, and I just thought that if any of you others are lovers of a good book, that this could be the post for you. Leave a comment if you have read a good book lately, I am always looking for something to break into! Here are a few of my favorites that are stacked on my nightstand!!!!
King Cake Baby
Dr Scott Butler
Yal! This is just in time for the Mardi Gras season! It is a crazy tale of a family and their deepest secrets and the things that are done to keep them that way! As I was reading this, I was thinking that I could for sure see this up on the big screen! This is such a fun read... order your copy at

The Resolution for Women
Priscilla Shirer
This is the current Bible Study that I am doing. Due to the sick babies I have had, I have only attended 1 study! Therefore, I am doing the study in the privacy of my own home! Only just started the book, and it has been an EYE OPENER! Talk about convicted. So far I am learning to really be in the moment and enjoy what I got! I AM SATISFIED! This should be my new everyday phrase! If you are currently not doing a study.... check it out!!

Suzanne Collins
Okay yal, this is a trilogy. Yes, 3 books! I have yet to open my books, but I am so excited to read them. From what I understand, once you open the 1st book, you will be unable to put the book down! I know, a little bit excited about these books! The first movie, The Hunger Games, will be coming out soon, so all should be reading before they hit up the theatre!

So Long Insecurity
Beth Moore
This is a book that I have been reading for awhile. Yes, I open then I close it because I feel like Beth Moore wrote this book for me! I am always reading it and then I think... OMG the woman is reading my mind, then I feel crazy for thinking such silly things. What I am learning from this book is I am not alone and many others feel the same way I do too. I have joined up with a book club and Moore's book was the selection. Hopefully, when I finish the book I will be able to say see ya later to all of my crazy hang ups and just let it all hang out and be happy!!

My last pick is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson.
Maybe you have heard of this lil ole book and the others in the series? It too, has been made into a movie. Good stuff yal, good, intense, messed up, craziness stuff! It has taken me awhile to read due to my lack of alone time and some of the other books that I am very invested in, but it is great!

So, are you are reader? Are you sick and tired of only reading The Hungry Caterpillar, The Little Red Hen, and Elmo books? Hopefully, some of these books or 1 of these books will get ya pumped about reading!! RIF! Reading is Fundamental! (Ha! That was a saying at my elementary school, it totally fits the post!)
Janet Evanovich is a wonderful auther. She has a series with 22 books.
woww great post good luck
"The special interests behind this lawsuit aren't interested in what's best for drivers, since filing this lawsuit will do nothing to help them get assistance quickly," said Lyft spokeswoman Julie Wood. "We are working collaboratively with DOL to provide them access to earnings data and are doing everything we can to help drivers get the assistance they deserve."
The plaintiffs are asking for a judge to order New York State to stop classifying app-based drivers as independent contractors, stop issuing "incorrect" $0 monetary benefit decisions to drivers, compel companies including Uber and Lyft to share drivers' earning data with the Department of Labor, and immediately issue unemployment benefits to the drivers who have filed claims.
In the past decade the American South has become a nexus of film production. Over a year ending summer 2019, $2.9 billion was invested into Georgia alone, as a result of productions choosing to film in the state.
Alongside blockbusters like "Avengers: Endgame" and "Black Panther," both filmed in Georgia, there isd a new wave of independent productions that are bringing the realities of the South to the screen. Many of these smaller films tackle subjects that are close to home, including police brutality, shifts in sexuality and gender norms, and the legacy of the Civil War.
"These filmmakers are coming to terms with matters of race, class and sexuality," said Atlanta-born photographer Alex Harris, who has been documenting the American South and other locations for more than 40 years, and more recently the Southern film industry.
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