Well, things have been a little rough around here. Brayden opened his mouth wide enough for me to see inside and there was this gargantous tooth back there! I really think that it is taking up two spots (is that even possible??) I am kind of glad that it was a tooth coming in... I was beginning to think that I just had a baby that cried all of the time! I know that the pic is fuzzy and that he has a piece of cheeto on his tounge but the white blobish thing on the ledt back side is a HOLY MOLAR!!
How are things in your house this week?
i seriously love readin your blog! It makes me laugh out loud- and just reading your words makes me think you type as you would talk..and that makes me love it even more! you crack me up!! Hope little man feels better! I have a Brayden and he just turned 3.. with another baby boy coming in 3 weeks! YIKES! Hope those molars stop bugging him soon!
I truly feel your pain!!!! My 18 month old has 4 back teeth coming in all at one time. He is beyond fussy :(
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