Saturday, January 30, 2010
I Lost 10 lbs and So Can You!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Special Request
A few days ago, my friend gave birth to a sweet healthy baby boy. From what I have been able to gather from family, all had been alright until the doctor was getting ready to discharge them from the hospital. The baby stopped breathing and turned blue. He was quickly rushed into the ICU.
Everyone that has struggled with fertiltiy issues and suffered from the loss of a baby, knows the joy you feel when that baby you have prayed so desperately for is finally given to you. I cannot imagine seeing that precious face for such a short time, and then finding out that there could be something wrong. I just want our friends to find comfort and guidance in the Lord and know that God is so wise and perfect in every single way.. and He loves them so much. He has a plan for us, and it may not be what we have planned for ourselves, but we must have faith that His plan is the best and is the only way. Trust in Him, He works miracles everyday.
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Job 9:10
Please lift our friends and their families up tonight.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Project Time
Monday, January 25, 2010
Party Animals!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jump Around!!
We are just so proud of her. She has a new trick. When we cough, she fakes a cough and then laughs at herself. Aron and I just laugh, we think that she is the most entertaining thing around. We are currently working on waving. She will hold her hand out and we see her moving her fingers very slowly. It is too cute.
Hope you enjoy the latest pics of our girl!!
Love yal!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Almost Died...of Embarrassment
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Good deed gone not so good...
Anyway, I volunteered to take dinner to two of my friends (Amie and Julie) that have recently had babies. I have been slaving all morning, and the soup does not taste right. I am not sure what I am going to do. I have 2 very nice things of bread and some cookies that I will be taking with the soup to each home, but this main dish is weird tasting... I would still eat it, but I would have to add tons of salt and seasoning to it. Maybe it tastes alright and I am being my toughest critic. Have you ever run into this situation?
Now, I am just sitting here thinking about their evenings.... what if I get it there, they pour a heaping spoonful into their bowl, expecting to tastes Gods gift to chicken noodle soup, and they totally YACK! Then, they tell others, "o-no you don't want Betty Crocker (aka Caryn "Croaker")" to cook you up something that is not so finger licking good but rather stick your finger down your throat to get it out!! So dramatic!
My heart was so in the right place!
O yea, I started what is so going to be a wonderful bible study yesterday, it is called Lord, Change My Attitude. I left the study yesterday feeling very convicted. I never even thought that God does not appreciate of all of the complaining that we do day in and day out. He gives us so much to be thankful for and in response we ask for more, or complain about what he has already given to us. Then I started thinking about the complaing that comes out of my mouth and my attitude, and how that does affect others and can bring them down. Think about it... have you given God the glory today, and said thank you for the blessings that he has given to you? I spent the whole rest of my day yesterday thanking him and all of today! We are really so lucky. (Just a little chicken noodle soup for the soul for today.)
Have a wonderful day!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Big 3-0!!
Obviously it is Aron's birthday! Have I mentioned how much I love his face and I am so blessed to have him as my husband. I am so thankful that the good Lord sent him my direction (or moved me into the duplex next door to him)!!
Have a great evening!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Cheese Sleeps Alone
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Mommy Brain!
Our baby is just growing up!
Love yal!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Enquiring Minds Want to Know...
Why am I 30 years old and still suffering from acne?? What am I a pre-teen girl? Do others have this problem? I thought that once you hit a certain age that this would be something that would magically disappear, but why is this still here? It is so embarrassing to deal with this issue. I always feel like people are staring at the stuff on my face, and thinking, "O- bless her heart, I wonder how much concealer she is using today?"
Any tips? What products do you use? Do you just sit around drinking gallons of water? Do you bathe in vats of Clearasil? Give up the goat, I want to know your secrets!!
I know there are so many more important things to be worrying about... like: world hunger, Obama's health care plan, what am I going to make for dinner, what time is Sophia going to wake from her nap, is it time to switch the laundry over, ect.
I am probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, but just thought I would ask...
Love yal!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
We've Made It, She is 6 Months Old
Sophia, take it away!
Well, in 6 months I have done a lot. I weigh about 16 pounds. My mom and dad giggle a lot when they are giving me a bath because of all of my rolls (some of them are a little hard to get into). I am trying to cut back on the sweets!! (HA). I am a very big fan of food. It could be rice cereal, any fruit, and any non green vegetables.
I am wearing the size 2 diapers. My parents still have not had to go to the store to buy any, since they have so many great friends that loaded them up with diapers at a shower. They get to spend that money on other things (for me)!! I like to laugh (I have a new one that sounds like a machine gun, "huh huh huh huh huh"). I love to splash in the bath tub and I have decided that I like to be clean like my mom. I am learning how to grab a spit up towel and rub it all over my face (this makes my mother so happy). I love smiling, smiling may be my most favorite. Loud noises kind of startle me, but I keep it together. I like to watch my cousins (Aidan and Annalee), my Aunt Kitty Kat and her friends MagPie and Isabella, they are always doing funny stuff for my entertainment.
I like to try to get out of the house when I can. My mommy and daddy take me to church. I get to play in the nursery with the other bed babies. It is nice to get out and socialize with people who have the same interests as me (drooling, laughing really loud, sticking things in our mouths, ya know BABY STUFF). I have stayed the night with my Honey and Granddaddy three times. I have so much fun over there. I like to go to my mom's PEO meetings, the ladies there love to talk to me and hold me. Shopping is becoming one of my favorite past times, the Belk is quite a place! My mommy and daddy's friend, Kim came over with her son Cade, yeah, I am not so sure about boys. He threw a ball at my head, I wonder if that means that he likes me??? Here we are.
I am sleeping through the night. I decided it was no longer funny to keep waking up at all hours of the night. It was really draining my parents, and they totally looked a mess. So, I just decided to let them rest (they need it to keep up with me)!
My parents sing to me all of the time. My mommy is always making up silly songs and stories. I love to see my daddy's face every afternoon (this guy is really great and he is always so glad to see me). I have a dog who is always trying to get in my face and give kisses.
All in all, the first six months have been spectacular. I am really growing up. I really cannot complain. Although, I would love to have a friend to play with (maybe a brother or sister).