Well, my hair as of late has been a complete mess! It needed a highlight, it needed to be thinned, needed to be cut, needed a good treatment for some damage! It just needed some TLC! Thus my visit to my hair fairy (seriously, this girl can do magical things to a head of hair)! Her name is Leah, and she is amazing yal. I have not stopped smiling since I left her!
My normal hair routine is wash and then I will just throw my hair in a bun, but the bun and the headband have taken a hike! See ya later old, sad mom hair!
Here is the before.....wait for it... wait for it
I know what you are thinking, it is reminiscent of a well known 80s band...

I know. That is me in the middle!
But for reals....

(okay, in my defense, I messed it up a little bit before the pic, I do not walk out of the house looking like the lead singer for Twisted Sister)!
Here it is brushed out!!
From totally geek to totally chic!
There is my hair fairy.
Sweet Leah, thank you for working your magic!
You look absolutely gorgeous!!!
I totally need a Leah. My poor hair has been in bad shape lately. Glad you are loving the new you & had a blast at the same time :)
So pretty!!!
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