I must say, that one of my all time favorite television shows, is (and always has been), my beloved 90210. I loved it when it first started in 1990 and still watch in on the SOAP network. It is good quality television folks!

Jennie Garth's character,Kelly, may have been my favorite. Yes, I am team Kelly! I was always rooting for her when she and Brenda (or Gina, or Val, or the gross guy that took her virginity in high school whom she reunited with at their high school reunion) would be in a fight! I loved her when she was loving some Dylan McKay! I was sad for her when she nearly burned to death in that house fire (remember, when she was stuck in a bathroom with that lesbian= quality television I say)! I was horrified when she was sexually assaulted. I hated it when she nearly married that darn Matt Durning... attorney at law!

Well, enough about all of that.
Anyways, this evening while opening up the Internet, I was shocked to see that she and her husband of 11 years are ending their marriage.

I was like WHAT?

Then I was like.... NO!
Then I was like.... AWE...(sad awe)
Then I was like... No one quits Kelly Taylor. Dylan couldn't even quit her, so I do not think that Mr. Peter Facinelli will be able to!

Hopefully, by next week they will be frolicking on a beach in Mexico, rekindling their marriage!
52% of marriages end in divorce.
Does that SHOCK anyone else! That number just seems really high.
Sorry for the random news break, it is all I got!
The only other thing that has gone on today is a visit from some friends (in which my children acted like heathens!) I was so mortified!
Later in the day, Brayden (whom I am thinking of renaming HAMMERHEAD, took a chunk out of his sister's arm. All that is left is the impression of his teeth!
Right now, Aron is watching the Razorback baseball team. It has not been a good game to watch, so the only time he makes a noise is to growl, cuss, or grunt at the television. I suggested that maybe he should go and get me an ice cream (I really thought that him doing something for me... could help his spirits). I was wrong. He dropped my ice cream and his chocolate shake in the garage on the way in. TEMPER TEMPER.
So I guess the night is a big bummer!
Only thing we got going for us is 10 lottery tickets for the 650 million dollar Arkansas lottery. Here is hoping that we win... it could really turn that whole ice cream in the garage floor thing around... I am pretty positive it would bring a smile back to his face... and mine.
I used to love 90210. I have to admit though, I was a Brenda fan when it came to her and Dylan!
That number is staggering. I think people just give up way too easy :(
Hope your weekend gets better! I got my lottery ticket too and I'm sure I'm going to win but if not, I hope you do!
How many hours did we log on my couch at Bradford watching 90210?? I would wait for you and tape it (yes, tape it) while you were on your way from Bville to Fville. Oh the days! I miss you lady!! Too bad we had to grow up! Brian Austin Green still makes my heart flutter! Shhhh, don't tell Ryan :)
She has a realty show coming out on CMT...she is moving to the country with her girls!
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