The festivities will be as follows:
Sunday evening: The arrival of Bucky and Moss. They are bringing some of their own goblins and ghouls... my sweet Aunt Cathy, my Great Aunt Charlene (Bucks sister), and Dr. Curry (he is a dog). We are celebrating Moss (grandmother's birthday). It shall be a frightful night!
Monday evening: A Boo-tiful Halloween Costume contest. There will be photos (so all family members that are not attending, please tune in for the photos.
Tuesday night: Dinner will be served at the Foresee manor. We will feast on Peek-a-Boo-Stew and other finger licking good things (maybe some Halloweenies!!) The activities will be pumpkin carving, cannot wait for this!!
Wednesday night: We will chow on GRUEL and Boo-Berry and Banana Cobbler. Later we will be gathering around a camp fire (or the fire pit in my Mummy and Daddys backyard) roast marshmallows and tell ghost stories!
Thursday night: The out of town visitors will have to leave to go and haunt their towns and friends, but we will be celebrating Mummy's birthday!!! Muuhahahahahahahaha!
Sophia and I actually started the events a wee bit early, and went on a visit to a local pumpkin patch/ corn maze. This was no normal corn maze, it was in the shape of a razorback! Woo Pig! (Please note, you can only tell that it is in the shape of a razorback if you are looking at it from the air, we did not do this, but we are taking the nice man (who opened the place) word for it. My sil (LeAnne) asked us to venture out with them to see what all of the hype was about.

There was a lot to do at the corn maze. There was a hay ride that took you our to the pumpkin patch, a cow train, a small petting zoo (with goats, pigs, and a cow! O MY!), the maze, a gun that shot out corn cobs at a humungo target, and a nice shady area for me to sit.

Next time I go, I will not be dressed in long sleeves, leggings, and boots. Come on now, it is fall yal, where is the cool weather. I had let the dog out early that morning and it was like in the 40s! Then 2 p.m. comes around and I was glistening like a pig! Sheesh! I will also need my big strapping husband to come and chase Sophia, she is no longer happy with someone holding her, my sweetie pie niece was chasing her all around the place! I will also remember to pee before I go. There is just something about a porta potty that I am just not to sure of! Can I get an AMEN!!?

Happy Fall Yal!!
1 comment:
amen on portapotties! i rather swim in my own business before going in there! yuck!
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